Sunday, May 30, 2010

Two things...

I wanted to mention:

Finally have a concept that I like, one that is my own. I suppose you could say I'm in the planning stages because I have yet to draw a sketch of what I see in my head. What resides there probably won't  be remotely close to what I lay down on paper but im hoping the message comes through no matter what. I named my blog life inspired art and I truly do want the pieces to reflect that. While the ideas may convey personal messages ultimately they are universal human experiences and therefore relatable to everyone.

And the second is that I'm sure you've noticed I have no decent banner despite having this blog for almost two years. So, in an attempt to provide an incentive and to motivate myself I decided to mention here that I plan on finally creating a banner.  Doing it this way means I can't give up halfway through or procrastinate further. I'll be working on the banner first while pondering over my next piece. Please look forward to it! :)

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