Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More Digi Things and Some News

The order of the pics - 1. Jeff Kromer, 2. Lana Gentry, 3. Breana , 4. Cathy McShannon

Today I worked up the nerve to ask C at The Lost Gallery what I needed to do to become a featured artist. His response was, 'You just have to ask.' So, as of tomorrow I will be one of the Lost crowd. This is really exciting because from the moment I was aware of The Lost Gallery on myspace I wanted to be a part of it but I never thought I was good enough or that my work was relevant. Friendship and support can go a long way however and along with support from friends old and new I have begun to see that yes, I am good enough and getting even better by the minute.

I'm thrilled because this means I will have more exposure and hopefully more commissions/sales. It's a step in the life I want to create for myself.

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